Importing assets

Details on identifying, creating, and updating assets

Asset identification varies depending on whether those assets reside in zones with dynamic addresses or static addresses:

The conditions for automatic creation of assets also depend on the particular address zone:

The rules for creating assets based on network scanner reports are the same for creating assets in static address zones. If the asset name is not specified, it is filled with either the FQDN value or the value of the first IP address.

The conditions for asset data updates are provided in the table below. If there are any conflicts that prevent new data from being correlated with existing assets, new assets are created.


Manually created asset

Asset imported from Kaspersky Security Center

Asset created based on events

Asset created based on reports of network scanners

Asset is manually updated

No restrictions

No restrictions

No restrictions

No restrictions

Asset is updated with data from Kaspersky Security Center

If the IP address and FQDN of assets match:

  • Data from Kaspersky Security Center is added to the asset.
  • The asset is considered to be an imported asset from Kaspersky Security Center.

When the Kaspersky Security Center server and Agent ID match, data on the asset is updated.

If the IP address and FQDN of assets match:

  • Data from Kaspersky Security Center is added to the asset.
  • The asset is considered to be an imported asset from Kaspersky Security Center.

If the IP addresses and FQDNs of assets match, vulnerability information is added.

Asset is updated with data from events

  • Dynamic address zone: if the FQDNs of assets match, the IP address of the asset is updated.
  • Static address zone: if the IP addresses of assets match, the asset's FQDN is added.
  • Dynamic address zone: if the FQDNs of assets match, the IP address of the asset is updated.
  • Static address zone: if the IP addresses of assets match, the asset's FQDN is added.
  • Dynamic address zone: if the FQDNs of assets match, the IP address of the asset is updated.
  • Static address zone: if the IP addresses of assets match, the asset's FQDN is added.
  • Dynamic address zone: if the FQDNs of assets match, the IP address of the asset is updated.
  • Static address zone: if the IP addresses of assets match, the asset's FQDN is added.

Asset is updated with data from reports of network scanners

Vulnerability information is added if:

  • The IP addresses and FQDNs of assets match in the dynamic address zone.
  • The IP addresses of assets match in the static address zone.

If the IP addresses and FQDNs of assets match, vulnerability information is added.

Vulnerability information is added if:

  • The IP addresses and FQDNs of assets match in the dynamic address zone.
  • The IP addresses of assets match in the static address zone.

Vulnerability information is added if:

  • The IP addresses and FQDNs of assets match in the dynamic address zone.
  • The IP addresses of assets match in the static address zone.

Conflicts during asset data updates prevent the processing of the conflicting asset, but do not prevent the processing of other assets specified in the request body.

POST /api/v1/assets/import

Bulk creation or update of assets.

Access: administrator and analyst.

Request body

Format: JSON

type Request struct {

TenantID string `json:"tenantID"`

    Assets []Asset `json:"assets"`



type Asset struct {

Name string `json:"name"`

FQDN string `json:"fqdn"`

IPAddresses []string `json:"ipAddresses"`

MACAddresses []string `json:"macAddresses"`

Owner string `json:"owner"`

OS *OS `json:"os"`

Software []Software `json:"software"`

Vulnerabilities []Vulnerability `json:"vulnerabilities"`



type OS struct {

Name string `json:"name"`

Version uint64 `json:"version"`



type Software struct {

Name string `json:"name"`

Version string `json:"version"`

Vendor string `json:"vendor"`



type Vulnerability struct {

KasperskyID string `json:"kasperskyID"`

ProductName string `json:"productName"`

DescriptionURL string `json:"descriptionURL"`

RecommendedMajorPatch string `json:"recommendedMajorPatch"`

RecommendedMinorPatch string `json:"recommendedMinorPatch"`

SeverityStr string `json:"severityStr"`

Severity uint64 `json:"severity"`

CVE []string `json:"cve"`

ExploitExists bool `json:"exploitExists"`

MalwareExists bool `json:"malwareExists"`


Request mandatory fields


Data type



Value example




Tenant ID





Array of imported assets


Asset mandatory fields


Data type



Value example



If the ipAddresses array is not specified

Asset FQDN. It is recommended that you specify the FQDN and not just the host name. Priority indicator for asset identification.




If FQDN is not specified

Array of IP addresses for the asset. IPv4 or IPv6. The first element of the array is used as a secondary indicator for asset identification.

["", ""]



HTTP code: 200

Format: JSON

type Response struct {

InsertedIDs map[int64]interface{} `json:"insertedIDs"`

UpdatedCount uint64 `json:"updatedCount"`

Errors []ImportError `json:"errors"`



type ImportError struct {

Index uint64 `json:"index"`

Message string `json:"message"`


Possible errors

HTTP code


message field value

details field value


Tenant ID is not specified

tenantID required



Attempt to import assets into the shared tenant

import into shared tenant not allowed



Not a single asset was specified in the request body

at least one asset required



None of the mandatory fields is specified

one of fields required

asset[<index>]: fqdn, ipAddresses


Invalid FQDN

invalid value



Invalid IP address

invalid value



IP address is repeated

duplicated value



Invalid MAC address

invalid value



MAC address is repeated

duplicated value



The user does not have the required role in the specified tenant

access denied



The specified tenant was not found

tenant not found



The specified tenant was disabled

tenant disabled



Any other internal errors



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