About alerts

In KUMA, an alert is created when a sequence of events is received that triggers a correlation rule. Correlation rules are created by KUMA analysts to check incoming events for possible security threats, so when a correlation rule is triggered, it's a warning there may be some malicious activity happening. Security officers should investigate these alerts and respond if necessary.

KUMA automatically assigns the severity to each alert. This parameter shows how important or numerous the processes are that triggered the correlation rule. Alerts with higher priority should be dealt with first. The priority value is automatically updated when new correlation events are received, but a security officer can also set it manually. In this case, the alert priority is no longer automatically updated.

Alerts have related events linked to them, making alerts enriched with data from these events. KUMA also offers drill down functionality for alert investigations.

You can create incidents based on alerts.

Below is the life cycle of an alert:

  1. KUMA creates an alert when a correlation rule is triggered. The alert is updated if the correlation rule is triggered again. Alert is assigned the New status.
  2. A security officer assigns the alert to an operator for investigation. The alert status changes to assigned.
  3. The operator performs one of the following actions:
    • Close the alert as false a positive (alert status changes to closed).
    • Respond to the threat and close the alert (alert status changes to closed).

Afterwards, the alert is no longer updated with new events and if the correlation rule is triggered again, a new alert is created.

Alert management in KUMA is described in this section.

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