The event can be assigned the succeeded
or failed
Since the request to delete an active list item is made over a remote connection, a data transfer error may occur at any moment: both before and after deletion.
This means that the active list item may be deleted successfully, but the event is assigned the failed
status, because EventOutcome returns the TCP/IP connection status of the request, but not the succeeded or failed status of the active list item deletion.
Event field name |
Field value |
DeviceAction |
EventOutcome |
SourceTranslatedAddress |
This field contains the value of the HTTP header x-real-ip or x-forwarded-for. If these headers are absent, the field will be empty. |
SourceAddress |
The address from which the user logged in. If the user logged in using a proxy, there will be a proxy address. |
SourcePort |
Port from which the user logged in. If the user logged in using a proxy, there will be a port on the proxy side. |
SourceUserName |
User login that was used to delete the item from the active list. |
SourceUserID |
User ID that was used to delete the item from the active list. |
DeviceExternalID |
Service ID whose active list was cleared. |
ExternalID |
Active list ID. |
Name |
Active list name. |
DeviceCustomString1 |
Key name. |
DeviceCustomString1Label |
Message |
If EventOutcome = |
DeviceCustomString5 |
Service tenant ID. Some errors prevent adding tenant information to the event. |
DeviceCustomString5Label |
DeviceCustomString6 |
Tenant name. |
DeviceCustomString6Label |