In KUMA, assets are assigned to tree-structured categories. You can view the category tree in the KUMA web interface under Assets → All assets. When a tree node is selected, the assets assigned to it are displayed in the right part of the window. Assets from the subcategories of the selected category are not displayed unless you specify that you want to show assets recursively.
Categories can be assigned to assets either manually or automatically. Automatic categorization can be reactive, which means that categories are populated with assets by using correlation rules. Alternatively, automatic categorization can be active, which means that all assets that meet specific conditions are assigned to a category. The categorization method can be specified in the category settings when you create or edit a category.
If you hover the mouse over a category, the ellipsis icon will appear to the right of the category name. Clicking this icon opens a category context menu in which you can select the following options:
Show assets—display assets of the selected category in the right part of the window.
Show assets recursively—display assets from the subcategories of the selected category. If you want to exit recursive viewing mode, select another category to view.
Show info—view information about the selected category in the Category information details area displayed in the right part of the web interface window.
Start categorization—start automatically linking assets to the selected category. This option is available for categories that have active categorization.
Delete category—remove the selected category. You can remove only the categories that have no assets or subcategories. Otherwise the Delete category option will be inactive.
Pin as tab—display the selected category in a separate tab. You can undo this action by selecting Unpin as tab in the context menu of the relevant category.