Configuring the table of assets

In KUMA, you can configure the contents and order of columns displayed in the assets table. These settings are stored locally on your machine.

To configure the settings for displaying the assets table:

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the assets table.
  2. In the drop-down list, select the check boxes next to the parameters that you want to view in the table:
    • FQDN
    • IP address
    • Asset source
    • Owner
    • MAC address
    • Created by
    • Updated
    • Tenant

    When you select a check box, the assets table is updated and a new column is added. When a check box is cleared, the column disappears. The table can be sorted based on multiple columns.

  3. If you need to change the order of columns, click the left mouse button on the column name and drag it to the desired location in the table.

The assets table display settings are configured.

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