
Description of parameters

Dictionaries are resources storing data that can be used by other KUMA resources and services.

Available settings:

Importing and exporting dictionaries

You can import or export dictionary data in CSV format (in UTF-8 encoding) by using the Import CSV or Export CSV buttons.

The format of the CSV file depends on the dictionary type:

During an import, the contents of the dictionary are overwritten by the imported file. When imported into the dictionary, the resource name is also changed to reflect the name of the imported file.

If the key or value contains comma or quotation mark characters (, and "), they are enclosed in quotation marks (") when exported. Also, quotation mark character (") is shielded with additional quotation mark (").

If incorrect lines are detected in the imported file (for example, invalid separators), these lines will be ignored during import into the dictionary, and the import process will be interrupted during import into the table.

Interacting with dictionaries via API

You can use the REST API to read the contents of Table-type dictionaries. You can also modify them even if these resources are being used by active services. This lets you, for instance, configure enrichment of events with data from dynamically changing tables exported from third-party applications.

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