This is a required step of the Installation Wizard. At this step, you specify the main settings of the collector: its name and the tenant that will own it.
To specify the basic settings of the collector:
When certain types of collectors are created, agents named "agent: <Collector name>, auto created" are also automatically created together with the collectors. If this type of agent was previously created and has not been deleted, it will be impossible to create a collector named <Collector name>. If this is the case, you will have to either specify a different name for the collector or delete the previously created agent.
If you return to this window from another subsequent step of the Installation Wizard and select another tenant, you will have to manually edit all the resources that you have added to the service. Only resources from the selected tenant and shared tenant can be added to the service.
The main settings of the collector are specified. Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.
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