To install a KUMA agent to a Linux asset:
Make sure the kuma file has sufficient rights to run.
sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma agent --core https://<KUMA Core server FQDN>:<port used by KUMA Core server for internal communication (port 7210 by default)> --id <
service ID copied from the KUMA web interface> --wd <path to the directory that will contain the files of the installed agent. If this flag is not specified, the files will be stored in the directory where the kuma file is located>
Example: sudo /opt/kaspersky/kuma/kuma agent --core --id XXXX --wd /opt/kaspersky/kuma/agent/XXXX
The KUMA agent is installed on the Linux asset. The agent forwards data to KUMA, and you can set up a collector to receive this data.
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