Enabling and disabling TV mode

It is recommended to create a separate user with the minimum required set of right to display analytics in TV mode.

To enable TV mode:

  1. Open the KUMA web interface and select the Dashboard section.
  2. Click the GearGrey button in the upper-right corner.

    The Settings window opens.

  3. Move the TV mode toggle switch to the Enabled position.
  4. If you want to configure the slideshow display of widgets, do the following:
    1. Move the Slideshow toggle switch to the Enabled position.
    2. In the Timeout field, indicate how many seconds to wait before switching widgets. If the value 00:00 is selected, widgets will not switch.
    3. In the Queue drop-down list, select the widgets to view.
    4. If necessary, change the order in which the widgets are displayed by using the DragIcon button to drag and drop them in the necessary order.
  5. Click the Save button.

TV mode will be enabled. To return to working with the KUMA web interface, disable TV mode.

To disable TV mode:

  1. Open the KUMA web interface and select the Dashboard section.
  2. Click the GearGrey button in the upper-right corner.

    The Settings window opens.

  3. Move the TV mode toggle switch to the Disabled position.
  4. Click the Save button.

TV mode will be disabled. The left part of the screen shows a pane containing sections of the KUMA web interface.

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