Diode agent configuration file

A created set of agent resources with a diode-type destination can be downloaded as a configuration file. This file is used when installing the agent in an isolated network segment.

To download the configuration file:

In the KUMA web interface, under ResourcesAgents, select the required set of agent resources with a diode destination and click Download config.

The agent settings configuration is downloaded as a JSON file based on the settings of your browser. Secret resources used in the agent resource set are downloaded empty. Their IDs are specified in the file in the "secrets" section. To use a configuration file to install an agent in an isolated network segment, you must manually add secrets to the configuration file (for example, specify the URL and passwords used in the agent connector to receive events).

You must use an access control list (ACL) to configure permissions to access the file on the server where the agent will be installed. File read access must be available to the user account that will run the diode agent.

Below is an example of a diode agent configuration file with a kafka connector.


"config": {

"id": "<ID of the set of agent resources>",

"name": "<name of the set of agent resources>",

"proxyConfigs": [


"connector": {

"id": "<ID of the connector resource. This example shows a kafka-type connector, but other types of connectors can also be used in a diode agent. If a connector resource is created directly in the set of agent resources, there is no ID value.>",

"name": "<name of the connector resource>",

"kind": "kafka",

"connections": [


"kind": "kafka",

"urls": [



"host": "",

"port": "",

"secretID": "<ID of the secret resource>",

"clusterID": "",

"tlsMode": "",

"proxy": null,

"rps": 0,

"maxConns": 0,

"urlPolicy": "",

"version": "",

"identityColumn": "",

"identitySeed": "",

"pollInterval": 0,

"query": "",

"stateID": "",

"certificateSecretID": "",

"authMode": "pfx",

"secretTemplateKind": "",

"certSecretTemplateKind": ""



"topic": "<kafka topic name>",

"groupID": "<kafka group ID>",

"delimiter": "",

"bufferSize": 0,

"characterEncoding": "",

"query": "",

"pollInterval": 0,

"workers": 0,

"compression": "",

"debug": false,

"logs": [],

"defaultSecretID": "",

"snmpParameters": [


"name": "",

"oid": "",

"key": ""



"remoteLogs": null,

"defaultSecretTemplateKind": ""


"destinations": [


"id": "<ID of the destination resource. If a destination resource is created directly in the set of agent resources, there is no ID value.>",

"name": "<destination resource name>",

"kind": "diode",

"connection": {

"kind": "file",

"urls": [

"<path to the directory where the destination should place events that the data diode will transmit from the isolated network segment>",

"<path to the temporary directory in which events are placed to prepare for data transmission by the diode>"


"host": "",

"port": "",

"secretID": "",

"clusterID": "",

"tlsMode": "",

"proxy": null,

"rps": 0,

"maxConns": 0,

"urlPolicy": "",

"version": "",

"identityColumn": "",

"identitySeed": "",

"pollInterval": 0,

"query": "",

"stateID": "",

"certificateSecretID": "",

"authMode": "",

"secretTemplateKind": "",

"certSecretTemplateKind": ""


"topic": "",

"bufferSize": 0,

"flushInterval": 0,

"diskBufferDisabled": false,

"diskBufferSizeLimit": 0,

"healthCheckPath": "",

"healthCheckTimeout": 0,

"healthCheckDisabled": false,

"timeout": 0,

"workers": 0,

"delimiter": "",

"debug": false,

"disabled": false,

"compression": "",

"filter": null,

"path": ""





"workers": 0,

"debug": false


"secrets": {

"<ID of the secret resource>": {

"pfx": "<encrypted pfx key>",

"pfxPassword": "<password to the encrypted pfx key. The changeit value is exported from KUMA instead of the actual password. In the configuration file, you must manually specify the contents of secrets>"



"tenantID": "<ID of the tenant>"


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