Converting geographic data from MaxMind to IP2Location

Geographic data obtained from MaxMind and IP2Location can be used in KUMA if this data is first converted to a format supported by KUMA. Conversion can be done using the script below.

Download script

Python 2.7 or later is required to run the script.

Script start command:

python --type <type of geographic data being processed: "maxmind" or "ip2location"> --out <directory where a CSV file containing geographic data in KUMA format will be placed> --input <path to the ZIP archive containing geographic data from MaxMind or IP2location>

When the script is run with the --help flag, help is displayed for the available script parameters: python --help

Command for converting a file containing a Russian database of IP address ranges from a MaxMind ZIP archive:

python --type maxmind --lang ru --input --out geoip_maxmind_ru.csv

If the --lang parameter is not specified, the script receives information from the GeoLite2-City-Locations-en.csv file from the ZIP archive by default.

Absence of the --lang parameter for MaxMind is equivalent to the following command:

python --type maxmind --input --out geoip_maxmind.csv

Command for converting a file from an IP2Location ZIP archive:

python --type ip2location --input IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB11.CSV.ZIP --out geoip_ip2location.csv

Command for converting a file from several IP2Location ZIP archives:

python --type ip2location --input IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB11.CSV.ZIP IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB11.IPV6.CSV.ZIP --out geoip_ip2location_ipv4_ipv6.csv

The --lang parameter is not used for IP2Location.

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