Functions of variables

Operations with active lists and dictionaries

"active_list" function

Gets information from the active list regarding the value in the specified column.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Name of the active list
  2. Name of the active list column
  3. Active list record key

    The name of one or more event fields is used as the record key of the active list.

    Usage example


    active_list('exampleActiveList', 'score', SourceAddress,SourceUserName)

    Gets data from exampleActiveList from the SourceAddress,SourceUserName record in the score column.

"table_dict" function

Gets information about the value in the specified column of a dictionary of the table type.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Dictionary name
  2. Dictionary column name
  3. Dictionary row key

    Usage example


    table_dict('exampleTableDict', 'office', SourceUserName)

    Gets data from the exampleTableDict dictionary from the row with the SourceUserName key in the office column.

"dict" function

Gets information about the value in the specified column of a dictionary of the dictionary type.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Dictionary name
  2. Dictionary row key

    Usage example


    dict('exampleDictionary', SourceAddress)

    Gets data from exampleDictionary from the row with the SourceAddress key.

Operation with rows

"len" function

Returns the number of characters in a string.

A string can be passed as a string, field name or variable.

Usage examples




"to_lower" function

Converts characters in a string to lowercase.

A string can be passed as a string, field name or variable.

Usage examples




"to_upper" function

Converts characters in a string to uppercase. A string can be passed as a string, field name or variable.

Usage examples




"append" function

Adds characters to the end of a string.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. Added string.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable.

Usage examples

Usage result

append(Message, '123')

The string 123 is added to the end of this string from the Message field.

append($otherVariable, 'text')

The string text is added to the end of this string from the variable otherVariable.

append(Message, $otherVariable)

A string from otherVariable is added to the end of this string from the Message field.

"prepend" function

Adds characters to the beginning of a string.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. Added string.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable.

Usage examples

Usage result

prepend(Message, '123')

The string 123 is added to the beginning of this string from the Message field.

prepend($otherVariable, 'text')

The string text is added to the beginning of this string from otherVariable.

prepend(Message, $otherVariable)

A string from otherVariable is added to the beginning of this string from the Message field.

"substring" function

Returns a substring from a string. 

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. Substring start position (natural number or 0).
  3. (Optional) substring end position.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable. If the position number is greater than the original data string length, an empty string is returned.

Usage examples

Usage result

substring(Message, 2)

Returns a part of the string from the Message field: from 3 characters to the end.

substring($otherVariable, 2, 5)

Returns a part of the string from the otherVariable variable: from 3 to 6 characters.

substring(Message, 0, len(Message) - 1)

Returns the entire string from the Message field except the last character.

"tr" function

Deletes the specified characters from the beginning and end of a string.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. (Optional) string that should be removed from the beginning and end of the original string.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable. If you do not specify a string to be deleted, spaces will be removed from the beginning and end of the original string.

Usage examples

Usage result


Spaces have been removed from the beginning and end of the string from the Message field.

tr($otherVariable, '_')

If the otherVariable variable has the _test_ value, the string _test_ is returned.

tr(Message, '')

If the Message event field contains the string, the string user is returned.

"replace" function

Replaces all occurrences of character sequence A in a string with character sequence B.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. Search string: sequence of characters to be replaced.
  3. replacement string: sequence of characters to replace the search string.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable.

Usage examples

Usage result

replace(Name, 'UserA', 'UserB')

Returns a string from the Name event field in which all occurrences of UserA are replaced with UserB.

replace($otherVariable, ' text ', '_text_')

Returns a string from otherVariable in which all occurrences of ' text' are replaced with '_text_'.

"regexp_replace" function

Replaces a sequence of characters that match a regular expression with a sequence of characters and regular expression capturing groups.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. Search string: regular expression.
  3. replacement string: sequence of characters to replace the search string, and IDs of the regular expression capturing groups.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable. Unnamed capturing groups can be used.

Usage examples

Usage result

regexp_replace(SourceAddress, '([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})', 'newIP: $1.$2.$3.10')

Returns a string from the SourceAddress event field in which the text newIP is inserted before the IP addresses. In addition, the last digits of the address are replaced with 10.

"regexp_capture" function

Gets the result matching the regular expression condition from the original string.

You must specify the parameters in the following sequence:

  1. Original string.
  2. Search string: regular expression.

Strings can be passed as a string, field name or variable. Unnamed capturing groups can be used.

Usage examples

Example values

Usage result

regexp_capture(Message, '(\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3})')

Message = 'Access from session 1'

Message = 'Access from translated address session 1'



Operations with timestamps

now function

Gets a timestamp in epoch format. Runs with no arguments.

Usage examples


"extract_from_timestamp" function

Gets atomic time representations (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, day of the week) from fields and variables with time in the epoch format.

The parameters must be specified in the following sequence:

  1. Event field of the timestamp type, or variable.
  2. Notation of the atomic time representation. This parameter is case sensitive.

    Possible variants of atomic time notation:

    • y refers to the year in number format.
    • M refers to the month in number notation.
    • d refers to the number of the month.
    • wd refers to the day of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
    • h refers to the hour in 24-hour format.
    • m refers to the minutes.
    • s refers to the seconds.
  3. (optional) Time zone notation. If this parameter is not specified, the time is calculated in UTC format.

    Usage examples

    extract_from_timestamp(Timestamp, 'wd')

    extract_from_timestamp(Timestamp, 'h')

    extract_from_timestamp($otherVariable, 'h')

    extract_from_timestamp(Timestamp, 'h', 'Europe/Moscow')

"parse_timestamp" function

Converts the time from RFC3339 format (for example, "2022-05-24 00:00:00", "2022-05-24 00:00:00+0300) to epoch format.

Usage examples



"format_timestamp" function

Converts the time from epoch format to RFC3339 format.

The parameters must be specified in the following sequence:

  1. Event field of the timestamp type, or variable.
  2. Time format notation: RFC3339.
  3. (optional) Time zone notation. If this parameter is not specified, the time is calculated in UTC format.

    Usage examples

    format_timestamp(Timestamp, 'RFC3339')

    format_timestamp($otherVariable, 'RFC3339')

    format_timestamp(Timestamp, 'RFC3339', 'Europe/Moscow')

"truncate_timestamp" function

Rounds the time in epoch format. After rounding, the time is returned in epoch format. Time is rounded down.

The parameters must be specified in the following sequence:

  1. Event field of the timestamp type, or variable.
  2. Rounding parameter:
    • 1s rounds to the nearest second.
    • 1m rounds to the nearest minute.
    • 1h rounds to the nearest hour.
    • 24h rounds to the nearest day.
  3. (optional) Time zone notation. If this parameter is not specified, the time is calculated in UTC format.

    Usage examples

    Examples of rounded values

    Usage result

    truncate_timestamp(Timestamp, '1m')

    1654631774175 (7 June 2022, 19:56:14.175)

    1654631760000 (7 June 2022, 19:56:00)

    truncate_timestamp($otherVariable, '1h')

    1654631774175 (7 June 2022, 19:56:14.175)

    1654628400000 (7 June 2022, 19:00:00)

    truncate_timestamp(Timestamp, '24h', 'Europe/Moscow')

    1654631774175 (7 June 2022, 19:56:14.175)

    1654560000000 (7 June 2022, 0:00:00)

"time_diff" function

Gets the time interval between two timestamps in epoch format.

The parameters must be specified in the following sequence:

  1. Interval end time. Event field of the timestamp type, or variable.
  2. Interval start time. Event field of the timestamp type, or variable.
  3. Time interval notation:
    • ms refers to milliseconds.
    • s refers to seconds.
    • m refers to minutes.
    • h refers to hours.
    • d refers to days.

    Usage examples

    time_diff(EndTime, StartTime, 's')  

    time_diff($otherVariable, Timestamp, 'h')

    time_diff(Timestamp, DeviceReceiptTime, 'd')

Mathematical operations

These are comprised of basic mathematical operations and functions.

Basic mathematical operations


Parentheses determine the sequence of actions

Available arguments:

Usage constraints:

"round" function

Rounds numbers. 

Available arguments:

"ceil" function

Rounds up numbers.

Available arguments:

"floor" function

Rounds down numbers.

Available arguments:

"abs" function

Gets the modulus of a number.

Available arguments:

"pow" function

Exponentiates a number.

The parameters must be specified in the following sequence:

  1. Base. Real numbers
  2. Power. Natural numbers.

Available arguments:

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