Event stream control using rsyslog

To enable rsyslog event stream control on the event source server:

  1. Create two or more identical collectors that you want to use to ensure uninterrupted reception of events.
  2. Install rsyslog on the event source server (see the rsyslog documentation).
  3. Add rules for forwarding the event stream between collectors to the configuration file /etc/rsyslog.conf:

    *. * @@ <main collector server FQDN>: <port for incoming events>

    $ActionExecOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended on

    *. * @@ <backup collector server FQDN>: <port for incoming events>

    $ActionExecOnlyWhenPreviousIsSuspended off

    Example configuration file

  4. Restart rsyslog by running systemctl restart rsyslog command.

Event stream control is now enabled on the event source server.

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