Correlation rules

Correlation rules are used to recognize specific sequences of processed events and to take certain actions after recognition, such as creating correlation events/alerts or interacting with an active list.

Correlation rules can be used in the following KUMA services and features:

The available correlation rule settings depend on the selected type. Types of correlation rules:

For these resources, you can enable the display of control characters in all input fields except the Description field.

If a correlation rule is used in the correlator and an alert was created based on it, any change to the correlation rule will not result in a change to the existing alert even if the correlator service is restarted. For example, if the name of a correlation rule is changed, the name of the alert will remain the same. If you close the existing alert, a new alert will be created and it will take into account the changes made to the correlation rule.

In this section

Standard correlation rules

Simple correlation rules

Operational correlation rules

Variables in correlators

Predefined correlation rules

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