Working with tenants

Access to tenants is regulated in the settings of users. The general administrator has access to the data of all tenants. Only a user with this role can create and disable tenants.

Tenants are displayed in the table under SettingsTenants in the KUMA web interface. You can sort the table by clicking on columns.

Available columns:

To create a tenant:

  1. In the KUMA web interface under SettingsTenants, click Add.

    The Add tenant window opens.

  2. Specify the tenant name in the Name field. The name must contain 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
  3. In the EPS limit field, specify the EPS quota for the tenant. The cumulative EPS of all tenants cannot exceed the EPS of the license.
  4. If necessary, add a Description of the tenant. The description can contain no more than 256 Unicode characters.
  5. Click Save.

The tenant will be added and displayed in the tenants table.

To disable or enable a tenant:

  1. In the KUMA web interface under SettingsTenants, select the relevant tenant.

    If the tenant is disabled and not displayed in the table, select the Show disabled check box.

  2. Click Disable or Enable.

When a tenant is disabled, its services are automatically stopped, it no longer receives or processes events, and the EPS of the tenant is no longer taken into account for the cumulative EPS of the license.

When a tenant is enabled, its services must be manually started.

In this section

Selecting a tenant

Tenant affiliation rules

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