Cold storage of events

In KUMA, you can configure the migration of legacy data from a ClickHouse cluster to the cold storage. Cold storage can be implemented using the local disks mounted in the operating system or the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Cold storage is enabled when at least one cold storage disk is specified. If a cold storage disk is not configured and the server runs out of disk space, the storage service is stopped. If both hot storage and cold storage are configured, and space runs out on the cold storage disk, the KUMA storage service is stopped. We recommend avoiding such situations.

Cold storage disks can be added or removed.

After changing the cold storage settings, the storage service must be restarted. If the service does not start, the reason is specified in the storage log.

If the cold storage disk specified in the storage settings has become unavailable (for example, out of order), this may lead to errors in the operation of the storage service. In this case, recreate a disk with the same path (for local disks) or the same address (for HDFS disks) and then delete it from the storage settings.

Rules for moving the data to the cold storage disks

When cold storage is enabled, KUMA checks the storage terms of the spaces once an hour:

During data transfer, the storage service remains operational, and its status stays green in the ResourcesActive services section of the KUMA web interface. When you hover the mouse pointer over the status icon, a message indicating the data transfer appears. When a cold storage disk is removed, the storage service has the yellow status.

Special considerations for storing and accessing events

Special considerations for using HDFS disks

In this section

Removing cold storage disks

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