Distributed installation in a fault-tolerant configuration

KUMA fault-tolerant configuration is provided by injecting KUMA Core into a Kubernetes cluster deployed by the KUMA installer.

The Kubernetes cluster configuration is defined in the inventory file. It must include one controller (dedicated or combined with a worker node), at least one worker node (dedicated or combined with a controller), and 0 or more dedicated worker nodes.

To install a fault-tolerant configuration of KUMA, you must use the kuma-ansible-installer-ha-<build number>.tar.gz installer.

When installing the fault-tolerant application configuration, the KUMA Core is placed into a Kubernetes cluster using the installer and the inventory file. The KUMA Core can be placed in a Kubernetes cluster in the following ways:

In this section

About KUMA fault tolerance

Additional application installation requirements

Managing Kubernetes and accessing KUMA

Time zone in a Kubernetes cluster

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