Event parsing settings

You can configure the rules for converting incoming events to the KUMA format when creating event parsing rules in the normalizer settings window, on the Normalization scheme tab.

Available settings:

Extended event schema

When normalizing events, extended event schema fields can be used in addition to standard KUMA event schema fields. Information about the types of extended event schema fields is shown in the table below.

Using many unique fields of the extended event schema can reduce the performance of the system, increase the amount of disk space required for storing events, and make the information difficult to understand.

We recommend consciously choosing a minimal set of additional fields of the extended event schema that you want to use in normalizers and correlation.

To use extended event schema fields:

The prefixes "S.", "N.", "F.", "SA.", "NA.", "FA." are required when creating fields of the extended event schema; the prefixes must be strictly uppercase.

Replace <field name> with the field name. You may use letters of the English alphabet and numerals in the field name. The space character is not allowed.

The normalizer is saved, and the additional field is created. After saving the normalizer, the additional field can be used in other normalizers.

Note: If the data in the fields of the raw event does not match the type of the KUMA field, the value is not saved during the normalization of events. For example, the string "test" cannot be written to the DeviceCustomNumber1 KUMA field of the Number type.

If you want to minimize the load on the storage server when searching events, preparing reports, and performing other operations on events in storage, use KUMA event schema fields as your first preference, extended event schema fields as your second preference, and the Extra fields as your last resort.

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