Type 1c-log

The 1c-log type is used to retrieve data from 1C application technology logs. Strings delimiter: \n. The connector accepts only the first line from a multi-line event record. This type of connector is available for Linux Agents.

When creating this type of connector, specify values for the following settings:

Connector operation diagram:

  1. All 1C technology log files are searched.

    Log file requirements:

    • Files with the LOG extension are created in the log directory (/var/log/1c/logs/ by default) within a subdirectory for each process.

      Example of a supported 1C technology log structure

    • Events are logged to a file for an hour; after that, the next log file is created.
    • The file names have the following format: <YY><MM><DD><HH>.log. For example, 22111418.log is a file created in 2022, in the 11th month, on the 14th at 18:00.
    • Each event starts with the event time in the following format: <mm>:<ss>.<microseconds>-<duration_in_microseconds>.
  2. The processed files are discarded.

    Information about processed files is stored in the file /<collector working directory>/1c_log_connector/state.json.

  3. Processing of the new events starts, and the event time is converted to the RFC3339 format.
  4. The next file in the queue is processed.

Connector limitations:

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