Creating and configuring a Telegram bot

To create and configure a Telegram bot:

  1. In the Telegram application, find the BotFather bot and open a chat with it.
  2. In the chat, click Start.
  3. Create a new bot using the following command:


  4. Enter the name of the bot.
  5. Enter the login name of the bot.

    The bot is created. You receive a link to the chat that looks like<bot login> and a token for contacting the bot.

  6. If you want to use the bot in a group chat, and not in private messages, edit privacy settings:
    1. In the BotFather chat, enter the command:


    2. Select the relevant bot from the list.
    3. Click Bot SettingsGroup Privacy and select Turn off.

      The bot can now send messages to group chats.

  7. To open a chat with the bot you created, use the<botlogin> link that you obtained at step 5, and click Start.
  8. If you want the bot to send private messages to the user:
    1. In the chat with the bot, send any message.
    2. Follow the link and click Start.
    3. The response contains the Current chat ID. You need this value to configure the sending of messages.
  9. If you want the bot to send messages to the group chat:
    1. Add to the group chat for receiving notifications from KUMA.

      The bot sends a message to the group chat, the message contains the Current chat ID value. You need this value to configure the sending of messages.

    2. Remove the bot from the group.
  10. Send a test message through the bot. To do so, paste the following link into the address bar of your browser:<token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<chat_id>&text=test

    where <token> is the value obtained at step 5, and <chat_id> is the value obtained at step 8 or 9.

As a result, a test message should appear in the personal or group chat, and the JSON in the browser response should be free of errors.

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