Connect to the UserGate web interface under an administrator account.
Go to UserGate → Administrators → Administrator profiles, and click Add.
In the Profile settings window, specify the profile name, for example, API .
On the API Permissions tab, add read and write permissions for the following objects:
Click Save.
In the UserGate → Administrators section, click Add → Add local administrator.
In the Administrator properties window, specify the login and password of the administrator.
In the Administrator profile field, select the profile created at step 3.
Click Save.
In the address bar of your browser, after the address and port of UserGate, add ?features=zone-xml-rpc and press ENTER.
Go to the Network → Zones section and for the zone of the interface that you want to use for API interaction, go to the Access Control tab and select the check box next to the XML-RPC for management service.
If necessary, you can add the IP address of the KUMA correlator whose correlation rules must trigger blocking in UserGate, to the list of allowed addresses.