Viewing KUMA metrics

Comprehensive information about the performance of the KUMA Core, storage, collectors, and correlators is available in the Metrics section of the KUMA web interface. Selecting this section opens the Grafana portal deployed as part of KUMA Core installation and is updated automatically. If the Metrics section shows core: <port number>, this means that KUMA is deployed in a high availability configuration and the metrics were received from the host on which the Core was installed. In other configurations, the name of the host from which KUMA receives metrics is displayed.

The default Grafana user name and password are admin and admin.

Available metrics

Collector indicators:

Correlator metrics

Storage indicators

Core service metrics

General metrics common for all services

Metrics storage period

KUMA operation data is saved for 3 months by default. This storage period can be changed.

To change the storage period for KUMA metrics:

  1. Log in to the OS of the server where the KUMA Core is installed.
  2. In the file /etc/systemd/system/, in the ExecStart parameter, edit the --retentionPeriod=<metrics storage period, in months> flag by inserting the necessary period. For example, --retentionPeriod=4 means that the metrics will be stored for 4 months.
  3. Restart KUMA by running the following commands in sequence:
    1. systemctl daemon-reload
    2. systemctl restart kuma-victoria-metrics

The storage period for metrics has been changed.

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