Installing a KUMA agent on Windows assets

Prior to installing a KUMA agent to a Windows asset, the server administrator must create a user account with the EventLogReaders and Log on as a service permissions on the Windows asset. This user account must be used to start the agent.
If you want to run the agent under a local account, you need administrator rights and Log on as a service. If you want to perform the collection remotely and only read logs under a domain account, EventLogReaders rights are sufficient.

To install a KUMA agent to a Windows asset:

  1. Copy the kuma.exe file to a folder on the Windows asset. C:\Users\<User name>\Desktop\KUMA folder is recommended for installation.

    The kuma.exe file is located inside the installer in the /kuma-ansible-installer/roles/kuma/files/ folder.

  2. Start the Command Prompt on the Windows asset with Administrator privileges and locate the folder containing the kuma.exe file.
  3. Execute the following command:

    kuma agent --core https://<fully qualified domain name of the KUMA Core server>:<port used by the KUMA Core server for internal communications (port 7210 by default)> --id <ID of the agent service that was created in KUMA> --user <name of the user account used to run the agent, including the domain> --install


    kuma agent --core --id XXXXX --user domain\username --install

    You can get help information by executing the kuma help agent command.

  4. To start the agent, you must confirm the license. During the installation process, you are prompted to read the text of the license and then accept or reject the agreement. If this did not happen automatically, you can use the following command to view the text of the license:

    kuma.exe license --show

    If you want to accept the license agreement, run the command and press y:

    kuma.exe license

  5. Enter the password of the user account used to run the agent.

The C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\KUMA\agent\<agent ID> folder is created and the KUMA agent service is installed in it. The agent forwards Windows events to KUMA, and you can set up a collector to receive them.

When the agent service is installed, it starts automatically. The service is also configured to restart in case of any failures. The agent can be restarted from the KUMA web interface, but only when the service is active. Otherwise, the service needs to be manually restarted on the Windows asset.

Removing a KUMA agent from Windows assets

When configuring services, you can check the configuration for errors before installation by running the agent with the following command:

kuma agent --core https://<fully qualified domain name of the KUMA Core server>:<port used by the KUMA Core server for internal communications (port 7210 by default)> --id <ID of the agent service that was created in KUMA> --user <name of the user account used to run the agent, including the domain>

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