Updating previous versions of KUMA

The update is performed the same way on all hosts using the installer and inventory file.

Version upgrade scheme:

2.0.х → 2.1.3 → 3.0.3

2.1.х → 2.1.3 → 3.0.3

2.1.3 → 3.0.3

3.0.x → 3.0.3

Upgrading from version 2.0.x to 2.1.3

Upgrading from version 2.1.x to 2.1.3

Upgrading from version 2.1.3 to 3.0.3

Upgrading from version 3.0.x to 3.0.3

If you want to upgrade a distributed installation of KUMA to the latest version of KUMA in a fault tolerant configuration, first upgrade your distributed installation to the latest version and then migrate KUMA Core to a Kubernetes cluster. For further updates, use the k0s.inventory.yml inventory file with the need_transfer parameter set to false, because the KUMA Core already has been migrated to the Kubernetes cluster and you do not need to repeat this.

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