It is recommended to configure integration of KICS for Networks and KUMA after ending Process Control rules learning mode. For more details, please refer to the KICS for Networks documentation.
To configure integration with KICS/KATA in KUMA:
Open the KUMA web interface and select Settings → Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks.
This opens the KICS/KATA server integration by tenant window.
Select or create a tenant for which you want to create an integration with KICS for Networks.
This opens the KICS/KATA server integration window.
Click the Communication data package field and select the communication data package that was created in KICS for Networks.
In the Communication data package password field, enter the password of the communication data package.
Select the Enable response check box if you want to change the statuses of KICS for Networks assets by using KUMA response rules.
Click Save.
Integration with KICS/KATA is configured in KUMA, and the window displays the IP address of the node where the KICS/KATA connector will be running and its ID.