Predefined active lists

The active lists listed in the table below are included in the KUMA distribution kit.

Predefined active lists

Active list name


[OOTB][AD] End-users tech support accounts

This active list is used as a filter for the "[OOTB][AD] Successful authentication with same user account on multiple hosts" correlation rule. Accounts of technical support staff may be added to the active list. Records are not deleted from the active list.

[OOTB][AD] List of requested TGT. EventID 4768

This active list is populated by the "[OOTB][AD][Technical] 4768. TGT Requested" rule, this active list is also used in the selector of the "[OOTB][AD] Granted TGS without TGT (Golden Ticket)" rule. Records are removed from the list 10 hours after they are recorded.

[OOTB][AD] List of sensitive groups

This active list is used as a filter for the "[OOTB][AD] Membership of sensitive group was modified" correlation rule. Critical domain groups, whose membership must be monitored, can be added to the active list. Records are not deleted from the active list.

[OOTB][Linux] CompromisedHosts

This active list is populated by the [OOTB] Successful Bruteforce by potentially compromised Linux hosts rule. Records are removed from the list 24 hours after they are recorded.

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