Restoring the KUMA Core from the backup

POST /api/v2/system/restore

Access: General administrator.

The request has no parameters.

The request body must contain an archive with the backup copy of the KUMA Core, obtained as a result of the following API request execution: GET /api/v2/system/backup.

After receiving the archive with the backup copy, KUMA performs the following actions:

  1. Unpacks the archive with the backup copy of the KUMA Core to a temporary directory.
  2. Compares the current KUMA version with the backup KUMA version. Data may only be restored from a backup if it is restored to the KUMA of the same version as the backup one.

    If the versions match, an audit event is generated with the following parameters:

    • DeviceAction = "Core restore scheduled"
    • SourceUserID = "<name of the user who initiated KUMA restore from a backup copy>"
  3. If the versions match, data is restored from the backup copy of the KUMA Core.
  4. The temporary directory is deleted, and KUMA starts normally.

    The "WARN: restored from backup" entry is added to the KUMA Core log.

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