You can configure the receipt of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform events in the KUMA SIEM system.
Before configuring event receipt, make sure to create a KUMA collector for the KATA/EDR events.
When creating a collector in the KUMA web interface, make sure that the port number matches the port specified in step 4c of Configuring export of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform events to KUMA, and that the connector type corresponds to the type specified in step 4d.
To receive Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform events using Syslog, in the collector Installation wizard, at the Event parsing step, select the [OOTB] KATA normalizer.
Configuring the receipt of KATA/EDR events involves the following steps:
You can verify that the KATA/EDR event source server is configured correctly by searching for related events in the KUMA web interface. Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform events are displayed as KATA in the table with search results.