Kaspersky Standard | Plus | Premium

How to buy a subscription

There are several ways to acquire a subscription for an application:

Purchase on the Kaspersky website

You can purchase a subscription to the application on the Kaspersky website:

Buy Kaspersky Standard

Buy Kaspersky Plus

Buy Kaspersky Premium

Kaspersky Premium is not available in some regions.

Purchase using the application interface

To purchase a subscription in the application interface:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. Go to the Profile section. If your device is connected to your My Kaspersky account, your email address is displayed here.
  3. In subscription information, click Buy now.

The website of Kaspersky or one of our partners opens in the default browser. Follow the instructions on the website.

Purchase from a Kaspersky partner

You can purchase a subscription at a Kaspersky partner store.

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