How subscription works
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How paid subscription works
The subscription is automatically renewed at the end of each period unless you cancel it. Towards the end of the paid period, you will receive an email with a reminder about the upcoming charge with a confirmation of the next renewal price. The payment for the next period takes place before the current period expires, to make sure you enjoy uninterrupted protection from cybersecurity threats. If the subscription is successfully renewed, remaining days of the current period are added to the new period.
Note that the price of the subscription may vary. At the moment of renewal, special offers and discounts may be available, which will not affect your subscription.
How free subscription works
Free trial subscription becomes active immediately when you subscribe. A few days in advance of the expiration of the trial period, you will receive a reminder about subscription renewal. If you do not cancel your subscription during the trial period, after the trial period expires, the subscription is automatically renewed for the next period.
If there is a problem with the payment
If for some reason your subscription could not be automatically renewed (your bank card has expired, has been blocked, or auto-renewal is disabled), you may be granted a grace period to renew your subscription when it expires; you can use the complete functionality of the application without limitations while the grace period is active. If you have not renewed your subscription, the application may switch to limited functionality mode when the grace period expires. The duration of limited functionality mode depends on your region and licensing terms. For information about the expiration date of the grace period and the limited functionality mode, see the Profile section.
About subscriptions bought from service providers
You can subscribe through a service provider (for example, your Internet provider). You can pause or resume your subscription, renew it automatically, or cancel it. You can manage your subscription in your account on the website of the service provider through which you subscribed. Depending on the service provider, the set of subscription management options may vary.
To activate the subscription on your device, apply the activation code received from your service provider. In some cases, an activation code can be downloaded and applied automatically.
If another subscription is already active in the application when you subscribe through a service provider, the application will be used with the subscription from the service provider. Your current subscription can be used on a different device until it expires.
A subscription can be unlimited (with no expiration date) or limited (for example, to one year). Unlimited subscriptions are renewed automatically as long as timely prepayment has been made to the service provider. To continue using the application after a limited subscription expires, you must take steps to renew it.
When using the application with a subscription that you got through a service provider, you cannot add a reserve activation code to keep the subscription going.
If you did not renew the subscription, or the service provider was unable to renew your subscription automatically, once it expires, you may be granted a grace period to renew the subscription; the functionality of the application remains available during the grace period. The application may switch to limited functionality mode when the grace period expires. If the service provider does not provide a grace period or a limited functionality mode, all functionality of the application stops being available when the subscription expires.
About subscriptions bought through the App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery
If you have purchased a subscription through App Store, Google Play, or Huawei AppGallery, you will be able to view subscription details in that app store.
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