- Protecting personal data on the Internet
- About protection of personal data on the Internet
- About On-Screen Keyboard
- How to open On-Screen Keyboard
- How to configure the display of the On-Screen Keyboard icon
- About protection of data entered on the computer keyboard
- How to configure protection of data entered on the computer keyboard
- Checking a website for safety
- How to change encrypted connections settings
- About secure connection to Wi-Fi networks
- Configuring notifications of vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks
Protecting personal data on the Internet
This section provides information about how to make your Internet browsing safe and protect your data against theft.
About protection of personal data on the Internet
Kaspersky application helps you to protect your personal data against theft:
- Passwords, user names, and other registration data
- Account numbers and bank card numbers
Kaspersky application includes components and tools that allow you to protect your personal data against theft by criminals who use methods such as
and interception of data entered on the keyboard.Protection against phishing is provided by Anti-Phishing, which is implemented in the Safe Browsing and Anti-Spam components. Enable these components to ensure comprehensive protection against phishing.
Protection against interception of data entered on the keyboard is provided by On-Screen Keyboard and Secure Keyboard Input.
The Privacy Cleaner Wizard clears the computer of all information about the user's activities.
Safe Money and Kaspersky VPN protect data when you use Internet banking services and shop on online stores.
Kaspersky VPN functionality is not available in some regions.
About On-Screen Keyboard
When using the Internet, you frequently need to enter your personal data or your user name and password. This happens, for example, during account registration on websites, online shopping, and Internet banking.
There is a risk that personal data can be intercepted by hardware keyboard interceptors or keyloggers, which are programs that record keystrokes. The On-Screen Keyboard tool prevents the interception of data entered via the keyboard.
Many programs classified as spyware can take screenshots, which then are automatically transmitted to an intruder for further analysis to steal the user's personal data. On-Screen Keyboard protects entered personal data from attempts to intercept it by means of screenshots.
On-Screen Keyboard has the following features:
- You can click the On-Screen Keyboard buttons with the mouse.
- Unlike hardware keyboards, it is impossible to press several keys simultaneously on On-Screen Keyboard. This is why key combinations (such as ALT+F4) require that you click the first key (for example, ALT), then the second key (for example, F4), and then the first key again. The second click of the key acts in the same way as releasing the key on a hardware keyboard.
- The On-Screen Keyboard language can be switched by using the same shortcut that is specified by the operating system settings for the hardware keyboard. To do so, right-click the other key (for example, if the LEFT ALT+SHIFT shortcut is configured in the operating system settings for switching the keyboard language, left-click the LEFT ALT key and then right-click the SHIFT key).
The use of On-Screen Keyboard has the following limitations:
- On-Screen Keyboard prevents interception of personal data only when used with the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome browsers. When used with other browsers, On-Screen Keyboard does not protect entered personal data against interception.
- On-Screen Keyboard cannot protect your personal data if the website requiring the entry of such data is hacked, because in this case the information is obtained directly by the intruders from the website.
- On-Screen Keyboard does not prevent screenshots that are made by using the Print Screen key and other combinations of keys specified in the operating system settings.
- Kaspersky application does not provide protection against unauthorized screenshots in Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1 (64-bit only) if the On-Screen Keyboard window is open but the Protected Browser process is not started.
How to open On-Screen Keyboard
You can open On-Screen Keyboard in the following ways:
- From the toolbar of Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome
- By using the quick launch icon of On-Screen Keyboard in entry fields on websites
You can configure the display of the quick launch icon in entry fields on websites.
When On-Screen Keyboard is used, Kaspersky application disables the autofill option for entry fields on websites.
- By pressing a combination of keyboard keys
Starting On-Screen Keyboard from the browser toolbar
Starting On-Screen Keyboard by using the hardware keyboard
Page topHow to configure the display of the On-Screen Keyboard icon
To configure display of the quick launch icon of On-Screen Keyboard in entry fields on websites:
- Open the main application window.
- Click
in the lower part of the main window.
This opens the Settings window.
- Select the Privacy settings section.
- In the Privacy settings window, click the Secure Data Input button.
The window displays the settings for protecting data input.
- In the On-Screen Keyboard block, select the Open On-Screen Keyboard by typing CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P check box.
- If you want the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon to be displayed in entry fields on all websites, select the Show quick launch icon in data entry fields check box.
- If you want the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon to be displayed only when websites of specific categories are opened, select the check boxes for the categories of websites on which the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon should be displayed in entry fields.
The On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon is displayed when a website that belongs to any of the selected categories is accessed.
- If you want to enable or disable display of the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon on a specific website:
- In the On-Screen Keyboard block, click the Manage exclusions link to open the Exclusions for On-Screen Keyboard window.
- In the lower part of the window, click the Add button.
- A window opens for adding an exclusion for On-Screen Keyboard.
- In the Web address mask field, enter the web address of a website.
- In the Scope section, specify where you want the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon to be displayed (or not to be displayed): on the specified page or on all pages of the website.
- In the On-Screen Keyboard icon section, specify whether or not you want the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon to be displayed.
- Click the OK button.
The specified website appears in the list in the Exclusions for On-Screen Keyboard window.
When the specified website is accessed, the On-Screen Keyboard quick launch icon is displayed in the entry fields in accordance with the specified settings.
About protection of data entered on the computer keyboard
Protection of data input on the computer keyboard allows avoiding interception of data that is entered on websites via the keyboard. To enable protection of data input on the keyboard, the Kaspersky Protection extension must be activated in the browser. You can configure protection of data input from the computer keyboard on various websites. After Secure Keyboard Input is configured, a pop-up message stating that Secure Keyboard Input is enabled will be displayed next to the field in which the cursor is set. By default, Secure Keyboard Input is enabled for all website categories except Internet communication.
Secure Data Input limitations
Secure Data Input in Kaspersky application has the following limitations:
- Secure Keyboard Input does not work in browsers running in the application Sandboxie.
- Secure Keyboard Input cannot protect your personal data if a website that requires entering such data has been hacked, because in this case information is obtained by intruders directly from the website. Secure Keyboard Input only works in the following browsers: Microsoft Edge based on Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firefox ESR, and Google Chrome when the Kaspersky Protection extension is installed and enabled.
- Protection only works for pages that satisfy the following conditions:
- The page is in a list of URL addresses or a category of pages that require Secure Keyboard Input.
- The page is open in a Protected Browser.
- The page is not on the URL exclusion list.
- The page contains a field for entering a password; at the same time, the Password entry fields on all websites check box should be selected in the application settings.
- To verify whether the check box is checked, go to the Privacy settings section → Secure Data Input → Secure Keyboard Input block.
- Protection only works for fields that satisfy the following conditions:
- The input field is a single line, and it corresponds to the HTML <input> tag.
- The input field is not hidden: The value of the type attribute is not equal to hidden, and in CSS styles the display field is not set to none.
- Input fields are not fields of the submit, radio, check box, button, or image types.
- The input field should not be read-only (readOnly).
- The input field should be ready for input (get focus).
- If the field has the maximum length (maxlength) attribute, the minimum number of characters that can be entered should be more than three.
- Protection does not work in the following cases:
- Data is input using the IME technology.
- The input field is not a password input field.
During the period after you install Kaspersky application but before you restart the computer for the first time, the application will not intercept the first character entered by the user (in any application).
If you have any difficulties, send a request with a detailed description of the problem to the Customer Service via My Kaspersky.
For instructions on working with My Kaspersky, see Help.
Page topHow to configure protection of data entered on the computer keyboard
To configure protection of data entered on the computer keyboard:
- Open the main application window.
- Click
in the lower part of the main window.
This opens the Settings window.
- Go to the Privacy settings section.
- Click the Secure Data Input button.
This opens the Secure Data Input settings window.
- In the lower part of the window, in the Secure Keyboard Input section, select the Enable Secure Keyboard Input check box.
- Select the check boxes for categories of websites on which you want to protect data that is entered via the keyboard.
- If you want to enable or disable protection of data input from the keyboard on a specific website:
- Open the Exclusions for On-Screen Keyboard window by clicking the Manage exclusions link.
- In the window, click the Add button.
- A window opens for adding an exclusion to Secure Keyboard Input.
- In the window that opens, in the Web address mask field, enter a website address.
- Select one of the options for Secure Data Input on this website (Apply to the specified page or Apply to the entire website).
- Select the action to be performed by Secure Data Input on this website (Protect or Do not protect).
- Click the OK button.
The specified website appears in the list in the Exclusions for On-Screen Keyboard window. When this website is accessed, Secure Data Input will be active, functioning in accordance with the settings.
Checking a website for safety
Kaspersky application allows checking the safety of a website before you click a link to open it. Websites are checked using URL Advisor.
The URL Advisor component checks links on a web page opened in Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. Kaspersky application displays one of the following icons next to the checked link:
– if the linked web page is safe according to Kaspersky;
– if there is no information about the safety status of the linked web page;
– if according to Kaspersky, hackers can cause harm to your computer or your data by using the web page that the link leads to;
– if according to Kaspersky, the web page that the link leads to can be infected or hacked;
– if the linked web page is dangerous according to Kaspersky.
To view a pop-up window with more details on the link, move the mouse pointer to the corresponding icon.
By default, Kaspersky application checks links in search results only. You can enable URL checking on every website.
To configure URL checking on websites:
- Open the main application window.
- Click
in the lower part of the main window.
This opens the Settings window.
- Select the Security settings section.
- Click the Safe Browsing button.
This opens the Safe Browsing settings window.
- By clicking the Advanced Settings link, open the advanced settings of Safe Browsing.
- In the URL Advisor block, select the Check URLs check box.
- If you want Kaspersky application to scan the content of all websites, select On all websites except those specified.
- If necessary, specify web pages that you trust in the Exclusions window. Open this window by clicking the Manage exclusions link. Kaspersky application does not scan the content of specified web pages.
- If you want Kaspersky application to check the content of specific web pages only:
- Select the On specified websites only option.
- Click the Configure checked websites link to open the Checked websites window.
- Click the Add button.
- Enter the address of the web page whose content you want to check.
- Select the checking status for the web page (if the status is Active, Kaspersky application checks web page content).
- Click the OK button.
The specified web page appears in the list in the Checked websites window. Kaspersky application checks URLs on this web page.
- To configure the advanced settings for URL checking, in the Advanced settings of Safe Browsing window, in the URL Advisor section, click the Configure URL Advisor link to open the Checked URLs window.
- If you want Kaspersky application to notify you about the safety of links on all web pages, in the Checked URLs section, select All URLs.
- If you want Kaspersky application to display information about whether a link belongs to a specific category of website content (for example, Profanity, obscenity):
- Select the Show information on the categories of website content check box.
- Select the check boxes next to categories of website content about which information should be displayed in comments.
Kaspersky application checks links on the specified web pages and displays information about categories of the links in accordance with the selected settings.
How to change encrypted connections settings
Encrypted connections are established over the SSL and TLS protocols. By default, Kaspersky application scans such connections upon request from protection components, such as Mail Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Safe Money, URL Advisor, Private Browsing, Safe Browsing, and Anti-Banner.
To change encrypted connections settings:
- Open the main application window.
- Click
in the lower part of the main window.
This opens the Settings window.
- Go to the Security settings section.
- In the Advanced settings block, click the Network settings button.
- In the Network settings window, go to the Encrypted connections scan section.
- Select an action to perform when connecting to websites over an encrypted connection:
- Do not scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky application does not scan encrypted connections.
- Scan encrypted connections upon request from protection components. Kaspersky application only scans encrypted connections upon request from URL Advisor. This action is selected by default.
- Always scan encrypted connections. Kaspersky application always scans encrypted connections.
Clicking the Show certificates link opens a window with a list of trusted certificates that are used by popular websites. Certificates are added to this list if you click Add to trusted certificates and continue in a Kaspersky warning when visiting a website. After you add a certificate to the list, the website is considered trusted. You can add or remove certificates in the Trusted root certificates window using the Add and Delete buttons.
If you have multiple user accounts on your computer, and one of the users accepts the new certificate, this certificate is also added to the trusted certificate list for all other users.
- Select an action to perform if there are errors when scanning encrypted connections:
- Ignore. If this action is selected, Kaspersky application terminates the connection with the website on which the scan error occurred.
- Ask. If there is an error when scanning encrypted connection with a website, Kaspersky application shows a notification where you can select an action:
- Ignore. Kaspersky application terminates the connection with the website on which the scan error occurred.
- Allow and add domain to exclusions. Kaspersky application adds the website address to the list of trusted addresses. Kaspersky application does not scan encrypted connections on websites from the list of trusted addresses. You can view such websites by clicking the Configure trusted addresses link.
This option is selected by default.
- Allow and add domain to exclusions. Kaspersky application adds the website to the list of trusted addresses. Kaspersky application does not scan encrypted connections on websites from the list of trusted addresses. These websites are displayed in the Trusted addresses window, which can be opened by clicking the Configure trusted addresses link.
- Click the Configure trusted addresses link to open the Trusted addresses window and perform the following actions:
- Click the Add button to add the website to the list of exclusions for encrypted connections scan.
- Enter the domain name of the website in the Domain name field.
- Click the Add button.
Kaspersky application will not scan encrypted connections with this website. Please note that adding a website to the list of trusted addresses may limit the functionality of scanning the website by protection components, such as Safe Money, URL Advisor, Private Browsing, Safe Browsing, and Anti-Banner.
About secure connection to Wi-Fi networks
Kaspersky VPN functionality is not available in some regions.
Available only in Kaspersky Plus and Kaspersky Premium.
Public Wi-Fi networks may be under-protected, for example, if a Wi-Fi network uses a vulnerable encryption protocol or a weak password. When you make Internet purchases over insecure Wi-Fi networks, your passwords and other confidential data are transmitted in non-encrypted text. Hackers can intercept your confidential data such as your bank card number and obtain access to your money.
To ensure your security when using insecure Wi-Fi networks, you can enable VPN via a specially allocated server located in the region you specify. Traffic from the website first goes to the allocated server and only then is sent to your device over an encrypted secure connection.
To use the Kaspersky VPN component, you need to run Kaspersky VPN. Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection is installed together with Kaspersky application on Kaspersky Plus plan.
The Kaspersky VPN component provides the following advantages:
- Safe use of payment systems and booking sites. Intruders will not be able to intercept the number of your bank card when you make online payments, book hotel rooms, or rent cars.
- Protection of your secret information. No one will be able to determine the IP address of your computer or your location.
- Protection of your privacy. No one will be able to intercept and read your private correspondence on social networks.
VPN connection can also be used for other types of network connections such as a local Internet connection or USB modem connection.
By default, Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection does not prompt you to enable VPN if the HTTPS protocol is used to connect to a website.
Changing your location when visiting websites of banks, payment systems, booking websites, social networks, chats, and email websites could result in the triggering of anti-fraud systems (systems intended for analyzing online financial transactions for signs of fraudulent operations).
The usage of VPN connection may be regulated by local legislation. You may use VPN connection only in accordance with its purpose and without violating local legislation.
Page topConfiguring notifications of vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks
If Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection is not installed on your computer, Kaspersky application displays a notification about connecting to Wi-Fi networks and insecure transmission of your password over the Internet. You can allow or block connection and password transmission in the notification window.
After you have installed Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection, the settings for the display of notifications when connecting to Wi-Fi networks and transmitting an unencrypted password become inactive. You can configure the notification settings for Wi-Fi network connections in Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection.
Kaspersky VPN functionality is not available in some regions.
To configure notifications of vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks:
- Open the main application window.
- Click
in the lower part of the main window.
This opens the Settings window.
- Select the Security settings section.
- Select the Firewall component.
The window displays the settings of the Firewall component.
- Select the Notify of vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks if you want to receive notifications when you are connecting to vulnerable Wi-Fi networks. If you do not want to receive notifications, clear the check box. This check box can be accessed if Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection is not installed on the computer.
- Click the Select categories link and select Wi-Fi network vulnerability categories. When you attempt to connect to a Wi-Fi network with the relevant vulnerability, Kaspersky application notifies you about it.
- If the Notify of vulnerabilities in Wi-Fi networks check box is selected, you can edit the advanced settings for display of notifications:
- Select the Block and warn about insecure transmission of passwords over the Internet check box to block all transmission of passwords in non-encrypted text format when you fill in the Password fields on the Internet.
- By clicking the link Enable, restore the default values of settings for display of notifications about transfers of passwords in non-encrypted form. If you have previously blocked display of notifications about password transfer in non-encrypted form, display of these notifications will resume.
When connecting to protected Wi-Fi networks, the application displays a notification, which asks you if you trust the new network. You can choose one of the following options:
- No, block external access to computer. All external connections of this network are blocked except connections initiated from your device. You can use the Internet and visit all websites. Other users on this network will not be able to connect to resources of your computer (for example, they will not gain access to the contents of your disks, including shared folders).
- Restrict, but allow shared access. You can use the Internet and visit all websites. Other users on this network will not be granted access to resources of your computer, but they will have access to resources designated as shared (for example, shared folders).
- Yes, allow all network activity. All connections on this network will be allowed. You can use the Internet and visit all websites. Other users on this network will be able to connect to your computer without limitations (for example, they will be able to gain access to the contents of your disks).
If the Smart Home Monitor functionality is turned off, notifications about previously detected vulnerabilities of the Wi-Fi network remain in the user interface of the product. You can hide these notifications. To delete the notifications, you must disconnect from the current Wi-Fi network or do the following:
- Resolve previously detected vulnerabilities.
- Turn on the Smart Home Monitor functionality.
- Scan the Wi-Fi network for vulnerabilities.