You agree to automatically submit the information specified below to AO Kaspersky Lab via the installed software (hereinafter "the Software"), the rights to which belong to AO Kaspersky Lab (hereinafter "Kaspersky" or "the Rightholder"), for the purposes of improving the quality of real-time protection, improving the quality of operation of the software and the timely detection and rectification of errors associated with the mechanism for installation, removal and update of the software, accounting for the number of users and generating the most suitable informational and advertising offers, including marketing offers, discounts, and promotional materials as well as Kaspersky and/or its partners products and services:
- Information about the Rightholder's installed Software: full version of the Software; Software update ID; type of the installed Software; Software component name; user story type; Software installation ID (PCID); installation date and time for the Software; Software ID derived from the license; ID of the licensed Software; Software localization; flag indicating whether participation in KSN is enabled; Software rebranding ID; operating status of the Software component; Software installation/uninstallation status; installation error code; Software rebranding code; installation type (new installation, update); types of third-party software offered to be installed during installation of the Software; types of third-party software selected to be installed during installation of the Software; types of third-party software installed during installation of the Software; ID of the user of the Rightholder's website; duration of Software installation in seconds; flag indicating whether the installation was aborted by the user; Software ID; ID of the KSN service accessed by the Software; code of the partner organization associated with the Software rebranding; user story name; ID of the control in the user interface; ID of the user action; new value of the software setting; time of sending statistics about using application GUI; information about interface element from which the user decided to purchase the Software; version of the Software's component; source file path; number of the string in the script where the error has occurred; name of the module in which the failure probably occurred; Software module ID; nested error occurred during the application operation; event type and value; ID of the displayed window; user actions with the interface element in the application window; operating mode of Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection; severity of the window prompting for user action; information about displayed window prompting for application action; ID of the type of notification shown to the user;
- Other information: protocol used to exchange data with KSN; delay of sending the statistics; ID of the marketing campaign; version of the statistics being sent; date and time of receipt of the application request (GMT); type of the request; size of the request content; protocol ID; data compression type; ID of the user's choice in the marketing campaign; user's choice in the marketing campaign; type of the region in which the event occurred; ID list of the content that user have read; method used to detect devices in the network; version of the component that provides device detection in the network; version of the protocol of interaction between the Software and marketing messages; Web-Portal registration type; page ID; the configuration identifier; result of the Software action; error code; ID of a data leaks list; error type; text of the error message; memory stack of the Software process failure; address for the Software module loading; process system ID (PID); ID of the action performed by user within the Software; duration of content downloads; content download status;
- Information about the User environment: Device Guard (Windows) enablement status; first 5 bytes of device MAC address; device ID; external IP address; unique device ID; OS type (server, workstation, domain controller); OS version, OS build number, OS update number, OS edition, extended information about the OS edition; OS Service Pack version; operating system family; type of hardware platform; additional information about OS features; device type (laptop, desktop, tablet); OS ID; date and time on the user's device; checksum (MD5 with salt) of the MAC address of the access point; information about device control mode in the Wi-Fi network; device ID based on the User ID on the Web-Portal; status of the device connected to the Wi-Fi network; device type; vendor of the device or network card; Wi-Fi network name; checksum (SHA256 with salt) of the MAC address of the access point; Wi-Fi network authentication type; Wi-Fi network encryption type; Wi-Fi network ID based on the MAC address of the access point; Wi-Fi network ID based on the Wi-Fi network name; Wi-Fi network ID based on the Wi-Fi network name and the MAC address of the access point; Wi-Fi signal strength; Wi-Fi network SSID; list of available Wi-Fi networks and their settings; DHCP settings (checksums of the local IP address of the gateway, DHCP IP, DNS1 IP, DNS2 IP, and subnet mask); DHCP settings (checksums of gateway local IPv6, DHCP IPv6, DNS1 IPv6, DNS2 IPv6; checksum of network prefix length; checksum of local address IPv6); URL of the service used to access the internet; browser type; browser version; attribute data; network category specified in Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection (unknown, safe, unsafe);
- Information about accessing a web service: web address being processed; port number; web address of the source of the web service request (referer); accessed IPv4 address of the web service; certificate type; fact of entering a password on a web page; fact of entering an address on a web page; fact of entering the bank card details on a web page; total duration of request processing;
- Information about an object being processed: public key of the certificate; digital certificate thumbprint of the scanned object and hashing algorithm; name of the detected malware or legitimate software that can be used to damage the user's device or data; timestamp of the triggered record in the Software's anti-virus databases; ID of the triggered record in the Software's anti-virus databases; type of the triggered record in the Software's anti-virus databases; checksum of the user name (email); checksum (MD5) of the object being processed; checksum (SHA256) of the object being processed; checksum (MD5) of the object being processed; size of the object being processed; name of the object being processed; path to the object being processed; directory code; properties and checksums of the parts of the execution file; number of software runs since the last time the file checksum was sent; format of the object being processed; checksum type for the object being processed; grouping severity level; link to a Knowledge Base article; indicator of processing the setting; number of detected vulnerabilities in the security settings; indicator showing if it is possible to remotely fix the detected vulnerabilities in the security settings; ID of the applied rule; severity category of security settings; Software component ID; checksum of the object being processed; version of list of revoked Software service's decisions; ID of the vulnerability found in third-party software; ID of the vulnerability found in the software settings; part of a hashed phone number; length of a hash part; description of an object being processed as defined in the object properties; object type code;
- Information about the license and other agreements: type of legal agreement accepted by the user while using the Software; version of the legal agreement accepted by the user while using the Software; flag indicating whether the user has accepted the terms of the legal agreement while using the Software; date and time when the user accepted the Agreement terms while using the Software; Software activation date; identifier of the partner organization via which the Software license order was placed; serial number of the Software license key; Software license ID; ID of the information model used to provide the Software license; type of Software license used; Software license term; number of days till Software license expiration; full name of the partner organization through which the Software license order was placed; Software activation code; set of IDs of Software that can be activated on the user's device; currently used Software activation code; Software license header; ID of a regional activation center; Software license key creation date and time; Software license expiration date and time; current status of the Software license key; type of the license used to activate the Software; information about Software activation errors; information about trial version of Software; order number through which the Software license was purchased; ID of the price list item through which the Software license was purchased; order number of the purchase of the Software license from the partner; ID of the country of the partner that sold the Software license; data about the license for identifying a group of users of the company that purchased the license by the comment in the license properties; data about the license for identifying a group of users of the company that purchased the license by the comment in the license properties; current status of the Software subscription; reason of current/changing status of Software subscription; Software subscription type; Software subscription expiration date and time; Software license data for user group identification based on additional settings of the subscription license; Software activation error category; Software activation error code; current license type; number of days since Software activation; number of days since Software license key expiration;
- Information on interaction with Web-Portal: Web-Portal account ID; flag indicating whether the Software is connected to Web-Portal; unique device ID on Web-Portal; signature of Web-Portal's response; Web-Portal website page that Software redirects to; country and region of Kaspersky web service from which the trial version of Software was downloaded; user email entered while creating an order in the software interface; time of the last status change; version of the protocol used to control the Software settings from the Web-Portal; device protection status; protection components usage status; scan tasks status; status of the task of updating databases and application modules; list of security problems; contents of the recommendations for the list of problems section; status of the license used by the Software; Software operating mode; information about updating databases and application modules; list of ignored security problems; user ID issued after successful user authentication on Web-Portal; one-time password for automatically connecting the Software downloaded from the Web-Portal account; one-time password for device registration on Web-Portal; computer name on the network (domain name); type of the device connected to Web-Portal; reason for disconnecting from Web-Portal; token type; data to receive an authentication token for the session;
- Information about local database update: value of the update task TARGET filter; ID of the Software update start;
Additional Information
- Information about hardware installed on the computer, including information on the manufacturer, the model and capacity of the hard drive (HDD), the size of the physical and virtual memory, the RAM manufacturer, the manufacturer of the motherboard, the manufacturer and name of the BIOS application, the manufacturer of the video card and the size of the video RAM, the manufacturer and type of network adapter, its data transfer speed, the manufacturer and name of the monitor, ID of software installation and unique ID of the computer.
- Information about the USB devices connected to the computer: the class / model of the USB device, the manufacturer of the device and name, and the date on which the device last connected to the computer.
- Information about devices that support the UPnP protocol, including the name of the manufacturer and name of the device, as well as the date of last connection.
- Information about the system load, including the free and used memory, and the size of free disk space.
- Information about all installed applications, including the name and version of the installed application, the versions of the installed updates, the name of the publisher, the date of installation and the full path to the installation folder on the computer, and the configuration (settings) of the application (including browsers).
- Information about the versions of the operating system (OS) and service packs installed on the computer; the name of the computer on the network (local and domain name); regional OS settings (information on the time zone, the default keyboard layout, and interface language); UAC settings; OS network firewall settings; OS parental control settings; Windows Update settings; parameters of the OS operating mode and the user's account.
- Name and location of any file on the computer.
- Aggregated information about user activity on the computer: the duration of the user's interaction with the computer; the period of information aggregation; the total number of events during this period; aggregated information about processes started by the user in the system; the name of the process; the total number of times the process was run; the total duration of its operation; the checksum (CRC64) of the account name from which the process was started; the full path to the process file; information about the software to which the process is associated (name, description, manufacturer, and version); the total number of times the software window was displayed; the total duration of its display; statistical parameters of the window name; the name localization language and the distribution of words in the name.
- Information about visited websites; the website address; domain parts of web addresses that the user entered into the address bar of the browser or that the user opened from search systems.