Hardware and software requirements

The hardware requirements for each protected facility must be adjusted considering the model being used, the number of processed tags and events, the average speed of data acquisition (number of observations per second), and the volume of stored data. The more data is processed and the more sophisticated the used ML model is, the more hardware resources are required for installing the server part of Kaspersky MLAD.

Requirements for Kaspersky MLAD server

To ensure proper operation of the application, the Kaspersky MLAD server must meet the following minimum requirements.

List of supported processors:

Minimum hardware requirements:

You can install Kaspersky MLAD on a server with another x86 64-bit processor released in 2013 or later. The processor must meet the minimum hardware requirements listed above and support the following extensions required for the TensorFlow™ 2.13 library:

Supported operating systems:

The following software must be installed prior to deployment of Kaspersky MLAD:

Use the official Docker repository for installation of the software on the Kaspersky MLAD server.

User computer requirements

To work with the web interface of Kaspersky MLAD, the user's computer must meet the following minimum requirements:

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