Incidents detected by the Limit Detector

If the Limit Detector is enabled, Kaspersky MLAD automatically monitors all tags having blocking thresholds specified for the tag when using any ML model. Blocking thresholds can be defined in a tag configuration imported into Kaspersky MLAD at the start of operations. You can change the tag blocking thresholds when editing a tag.

To visually control the position of a tag graph relative to its blocking thresholds, enable the Always display blocking threshold option. If this option is disabled, the upper or lower threshold line is displayed only if the tag values have reached the corresponding threshold during the time interval displayed on the screen. The Limit Detector identifies and registers events regardless of whether or not the Always display blocking threshold option is enabled.

When the tag value reaches its upper or lower technical limit, the Limit Detector registers an incident. This tag is displayed in the incidents table in the Incidents section. The incidents table also shows the blocking thresholds of the tag and the actual value of a tag that violated one of these limits. For each incident registered by the Limit Detector, the application automatically creates the "Tags for event #N" preset, available in the History section. This preset includes the only causal tag of the incident.

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