Creating a template based on an ML model

System administrators and users who have the Create model templates permission from the Manage ML models group of rights can create templates based on ML models.

You can create an ML model template based on a previously added ML model. The created templates retain the algorithm structure, set of elements, tag composition, and the training state of the source ML model.

You can create a template based on a previously added ML model if this ML model includes a neural network element for which input and output tags are defined, and/or an element based on a diagnostic rule for which rule conditions have been created.

To create a template based on an ML model:

  1. In the main menu, select the Models section.
  2. In the asset tree, next to the name of the ML model based on which you want to create a template, open the vertical menu and select Create template.

    A list of options appears on the right.

  3. Enter the template name in the Name field.

    You can enter up to 100 characters.

    By default, a template is assigned a name in the format Template_<ML model name>_<date and time of template creation>.

  4. To change the names of the template tags, in the Template tag name column specify the new names for the relevant tags.

    If the tags used in the ML model you are using to create the template were loaded or created in the Assets section of the administrator menu, their names are automatically assigned to the tags in the template. If a tag used in the ML model was not detected in Kaspersky MLAD, this tag will be assigned the default name in the format TagĀ <Model tag ID>.

    You can specify a template tag name different from the tag names in the Assets section of the administrator menu. Template tags and tags in the Assets section are mapped based on the IDs of the ML model tags, which you can specify when creating an ML model from a template.

  5. Click the Save button.

The new ML model template appears in the Templates group of the asset tree. The Templates group is created automatically and displayed as part of the selected section of the asset tree.

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