Creating a new preset

You can create new presets in Kaspersky MLAD.

When creating a preset, you can specify an expression to use for calculating the values of tags in the preset to display these values on the graph in the Time slice section. For example, you can use the specified expressions to view personal tag errors, predicted tag values, and the values of tags received from the monitored asset's sensors at the same time. You can use the following variables in your expressions:

To create a new preset:

  1. In the main menu, select the Presets section and click the Create button.

    The Create preset window opens.

  2. Specify the name of the preset in the Preset name field.
  3. If necessary, click the Choose icon button and select an icon for the preset in the opened window.

    By default, the preset is assigned a sun iconĀ ().

    You can upload a preset icon by clicking the Load icon button. Images of any format larger than 128x128 pixels are shrunk to 128x128 while maintaining the aspect ratio. The size of the uploaded image in SVG format must not exceed 200 KB.

    If you want to delete the preset icon, click the preset icon and then click Delete in the opened window.

  4. If you want to add an expression for calculating tag values to display them on a graph in the Time slice section, do the following:
    1. Turn on the Configure expressions for Time slice toggle switch.
    2. In the X-axis caption field, enter the caption to be displayed on the x-axis.
    3. Click the Add expression button and specify the following values in the drop-down section:
      • In the Expression name field, enter the name of the expression.
      • In the Y-axis caption field, enter the caption to be displayed on the y-axis.
      • In the Expression for calculation field, enter an expression for calculating tag values.

        You can define expressions with simple arithmetic operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). For example, if the sensors are reporting temperature in Fahrenheit, you can use the following expression to display the temperature in Celsius:

        5/9 * ($tagValue - 32)

        If necessary, you can add multiple expressions for the Time slice section.

      • In the Graph color field, select the color of the graph that will be displayed for the preset in the Time slice section.
    4. If you want to delete an expression from a preset for the Time slice section, click the trash bin icon () in the lower-right corner of the expression section.
  5. If you need to add tags that are part of another preset, select this preset from the Copy tags from selected preset drop-down list.
  6. Add tags to the preset by selecting the check boxes next to the relevant tags in the asset tree below. You can search for tags by entering the tag name in the Search by tag name field.
  7. If you need to delete tags from a preset, clear the check boxes next to the tags you want to delete in the asset tree.
  8. Click the Save button.

The new preset is displayed in the Presets section in the list of presets on the left and in the drop-down list of presets in the History and Monitoring sections. The preset for which step 4 of these instructions was performed will also be displayed in the drop-down list of presets in the Time slice section.

If necessary, you can change the position of presets in the list of presets. To do this, drag the preset up or down in the list by the dotsĀ () to the left of its icon.

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