Creating role

Role management is available to system administrators.

You can create user roles and select the access rights to application functions for them. After an active role is created, it will become available for assignment to application users.

To create a role:

  1. In the lower-left corner of the page, click theĀ Main menu button.

    You will be taken to the administrator menu.

  2. Select the Roles section.
  3. Click the Create button.

    The Creating role pane will appear on the right.

  4. In the Role name field, specify the required role name.

    You can enter up to 30 characters.

  5. If necessary, enter a new description for the tag in the Role description field.
  6. To grant access rights to a role, do the following:
    1. Click the Select rights button.

      The Grant rights to role pane appears on the right.

    2. In the list of rights, select the access rights to application functions that you want to grant to the role.

      When you select Rights to all actions, all system administrator functions will be available to the role.

    3. Click the Save button.
  7. To enable the use of the role for application users, set the State switch to the Active position.
  8. Click the Save button.
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