Granting administrator rights to a user

To grant administrator rights to a user:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Select the Users section.

    The Users section contains a list of users and groups of users that have been added to Kaspersky Next.

  3. Proceed to the user information page by clicking the link with the user name.
  4. Click the Grant administrator rights button to grant the user administrator rights.

The specified user is granted administrator rights.

If the users do not have accounts on Kaspersky Business Hub, they receive an email message containing a registration link for Kaspersky Business Hub. If the users already have accounts on Kaspersky Business Hub, they receive an email message confirming their administrator role in their Kaspersky Next workspace.

On the page containing user information and in the list of user accounts, the Admin tag on the red background appears in the Access rights column next to the name of a user account. This tag indicates that the user has administrator rights.

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