Configuring vulnerability detection

To configure vulnerability detection:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Select the Security managementVulnerability Assessment and Patch Management section.
  3. Under Vulnerabilities, click the Detection settings button.

    The Vulnerability detection settings window opens.

  4. In the Vulnerability detection schedule list, select the required value:
    • Disabled (by default)—Vulnerability detection never runs.
    • Every week—Specify the day of week and the time when vulnerability detection must run.

      The vulnerability detection will run at the specified time in the time zone of each protected device. If a protected device is offline at the scheduled time, the task will run as soon as the device goes online.

    • Every day—Specify the time when vulnerability detection must run.

      The vulnerability detection will run at the specified time in the time zone of each protected device. If a protected device is offline at the scheduled time, the task will run as soon as the device goes online.

  5. Click the OK button to save the changes.

Vulnerability detection is configured. If you activated Kaspersky Next under a Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum or XDR Expert license, the detection of applicable updates is also configured.

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