Viewing information about Root-Cause Analysis detections

You can view information about Root-Cause Analysis detections in a widget and a table. The widget shows up to 10 detections and the table shows up to 1000 detections.

Root-Cause Analysis widget

To view the Root-Cause Analysis widget:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. In the Information panel section, click the Monitoring tab.
  3. If Root-Cause Analysis is disabled, start using the feature.

The widget displays the requested information.

From the displayed widget, you can proceed to the following:

Root-Cause Analysis table

To view the table with the Root-Cause Analysis detections:

  1. Open Kaspersky Next Management Console.
  2. Open the Root-Cause Analysis detections window in any of the following ways:
    • In the Information panel section, click the Monitoring tab, and then click the Go to the list of detections link in the Root-Cause Analysis widget.
    • Select the Security managementRoot-Cause Analysis section.
  3. If Root-Cause Analysis is disabled, start using the feature.

    The table displays the requested information.

  4. Filter the displayed records by selecting the required values in the drop-down lists:
    • Detected on

      The period over which detections have occurred.

    • Status

      Whether the detected objects have been treated or untreated (deleted).

From the displayed table, you can proceed to the following:

Also, you can export information about all of the current detections to a CSV file.

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