Viewing information about the use of cloud services
You can view the Cloud Discovery widget that shows information about attempts to gain access to cloud services. The widget also displays the risk level of each cloud service. Kaspersky Next gets information about the use of cloud services from all of the managed devices that are protected only by the security profiles that have the feature enabled.
In the Information panel section, click the Monitoring tab.
On the left side of the Cloud Discovery information widget, select a category of cloud services.
The table on the right side of the widget displays up to five services, from the selected category, to which users most often try to gain access. Both successful and blocked attempts are counted.
On the right side of the widget, select a specific service.
The table below displays up to ten users who most often attempt to gain access to the service.
The widget displays the requested information.
From the displayed widget, you can do the following:
Block or allow access to the selected cloud service in the settings of the security profile that is assigned to a user.
If the selected cloud service has been blocked only in some security profiles, view the list of profiles in which the service is blocked and where it is allowed.