You can specify the statuses of networks to which your users' devices are connected (local network, public network, or trusted network). Firewall defines the settings of protecting your users' devices against network threats depending on the network statuses.
A network is specified by means of a range of IP addresses. If the IP address of a user's device is included into the range of IP addresses of a network, Firewall protects the device according to the status of this network. If the device's IP address is not included in any range of IP addresses specified on this page, Firewall determines the status of the device's network based on the network status in the device's operating system. All IP addresses other than those specified on this page and in the operating system of devices are considered IP addresses of public networks.
By default, three ranges of IP addresses are specified as local networks:,, and
You remove all default networks and specify network as a local network. A user's device has two network adapters that get IP addresses from the ranges and, respectively. Both networks in the device's operating system are defined as public networks. Because IP addresses are included into the range, the status of network is taken from the defined settings and is a local network. Because the defined settings contain no suitable range for network, its status is taken from the device's operating system and is a public network.
To configure the statuses of networks:
The Security profiles section contains a list of security profiles configured in Kaspersky Next.
The security profile properties window displays settings available for all devices.
The Firewall settings page opens.
The Available networks page opens.
The Network connection window opens.
The added record appears in the list of networks in the Available networks window.
The Network connection window opens. It contains details about the selected network.
The modified record is displayed in the list of networks in the Available networks window.
The deleted record disappears from the list of networks in the Available networks window.
The list of networks is updated.
After the security profile is applied, your users' devices are protected against network threats in accordance with the rules that match the specified network statuses.
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