Configuring logs on CPE devices

Logs generated on CPE devices are stored locally or sent to an external Syslog server. When storing logs locally, you can specify a maximum size. You can specify a prefix to be assigned to logs before they are sent to the external Syslog server.

To view the local log on the CPE device, you need to request diagnostic information.

You can specify log settings in a CPE template or on the CPE device. Log settings specified in the CPE template are automatically propagated to all CPE devices that use this CPE template.

To configure logs on CPE devices:

  1. Configure logs in one of the following ways:
    • If you want to configure logs in a CPE template, go to the SD-WAN → CPE templates menu section, click the CPE template, and select the Log files tab.
    • If you want to configure logs on a CPE device, go to the SD-WAN → CPE menu section, click the CPE device, select the Log files tab, and select the Override check box.

    The log settings are displayed.

  2. In the Log files size (KB) field, enter the size of the logs on the CPE device in kilobytes. Range of values: 64 to 2048. The default setting is 64. If the maximum log size is exceeded, new logs overwrite the oldest logs.
  3. If you want the CPE device to send logs to an external Syslog server, specify the Syslog server:
    1. In the Syslog server IP/FQDN field, enter the IP address of the Syslog server.
    2. In the Syslog server port field, enter the port number of the Syslog server. Range of values: 0 to 65,353.
    3. In the Syslog server protocol drop-down list, select the protocol for sending logs to the Syslog server:
      • UDP (default)
      • TCP
    4. In the Log files prefix field, enter the prefix that the CPE device assigns to the logs. Maximum length: 256 characters.
  4. In the upper part of the settings area, click Save to save the settings of the CPE template or CPE device.
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