Creating a Manual-TE constraint

To create a Manual-TE constraint:

  1. In the menu, go to the Infrastructure section.

    This opens the resource management page. By default, the Network resources tab is selected, which displays the table of controllers.

  2. Click Management → Configuration menu next to the controller.

    This opens the controller configuration menu. By default, you are taken to the Controller nodes section, which displays a table of controller nodes.

  3. Go to the Constraints section.

    The Manual-TE tab with the table of Manual-TE constraints is selected by default.

  4. In the upper part of the page, click + Manual-TE constraint.
  5. This opens a window; in that window, in the Name field, enter the name of the Manual-TE constraint.
  6. Select the Use Manual-TE path check box next to the created Manual-TE paths that you want to add to the Manual-TE constraint. These check boxes are cleared by default.
  7. If you want to allow using an Auto-SPF path when the specified Manual-TE paths are not available, select the Ignore if no constrained path is found check box next to the Manual-TE paths. You can only select the check box next to a Manual-TE path that have the Use Manual-TE path check box selected. These check boxes are cleared by default.
  8. Click Create.

The Manual-TE constraint is created and displayed in the table.

You can specify a Manual-TE constraint when creating or editing a transport service to make the transport service use this Manual-TE constraint.

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