Creating a VRRP instance

You can create a VRRP instance in a CPE template or on a CPE device. A VRRP instance created in the CPE template is automatically created on all CPE devices that use this CPE template.

To create a VRRP instance:

  1. Create a VRRP instance in one of the following ways:
    • If you want to create a VRRP instance in a CPE template, go to the SD-WAN → CPE templates menu section, click the CPE template, and select the VRRP → VRRP instances tab.
    • If you want to create a VRRP instance on a CPE device, go to the SD-WAN → CPE menu section, click the CPE device, select the VRRP → VRRP instances tab, and select the Override check box.

    A table of VRPP instances is displayed.

  2. Click + VRRP instance.
  3. This opens a window; in that window, in the Name field, enter the name of the VRRP instance. Maximum length: 16 characters.
  4. In the VRID field, enter the ID of the virtual router. You must specify the same ID when creating VRRP instances for all network interfaces that you want to combine into a virtual router. Range of values: 1 to 255.
  5. In the Interface drop-down list, select the created network interface that you want to add to the virtual router.
  6. In the VIP field, enter the virtual IP address that you want to assign to this network interface. You must assign the same virtual IP address to all network interfaces that you want to combine into a virtual router.
  7. In the State drop-down list, select the role of the network interface:
    • Backup is the backup network interface. Default value.
    • Master is the primary network interface.
  8. In the Priority field, enter the priority of the network interface. The greater the value, the higher the priority. When the primary network interface fails, it is replaced by the backup network interface with the highest priority. If, when selecting the new primary network interface, all backup network interfaces have the same priority, the new primary network interface is selected at random. Range of values: 1 to 1000. The default setting is 100.
  9. In the Advertise interval (sec.) field, enter the time interval in seconds for sending control packets from a network interface to other network interfaces. Range of values: 1 to 60. The default setting is 5.
  10. If you do not want to change the role of the backup network interface that has become the primary router, even if the old primary network interface becomes operational again, select the Nopreempt check box. This check box is cleared by default.
  11. If you want to configure unicast sending of control packets by the network interface:
    1. Select the Unicast check box. This check box is cleared by default.
    2. In the Main VRPP router IP field, enter the IP address of the source network interface for sending control packets.
    3. In the Backup VRRP router IP field, enter the IP address of the destination network interface for sending control packets.

    By default, the network interface uses multicast to send control packets.

  12. If you want to use a password for authentication of control packets on the network interface:
    1. Select the Authentication check box. This check box is cleared by default.
    2. Enter a password in the field that is displayed. Maximum length of the password: 16 characters. You must specify the same password for all network interfaces that you want to combine into a virtual router. To see the entered password, you can click the show icon .
  13. Click Create.

    The VRRP instance is created and displayed in the table.

  14. In the upper part of the settings area, click Save to save the settings of the CPE template or CPE device.
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