If you delete a CPE device, the basic settings are kept on it. Such a CPE device can be re-registered without using the basic settings URL. Registration does not require connecting to Kaspersky cloud services.
When re-registering a CPE device, you cannot use two-factor authentication. If you want to use two-factor authentication, automatically register the CPE device.
The CPE device re-registration scenario involves the following steps:
Restore the CPE device firmware to the initial condition:
firstboot && reboot
Create and configure a CPE template. For a description of CPE template tabs, see the Managing CPE templates section. You can use the created CPE template to configure other CPE devices.
Disconnect and reconnect the CPE device power cable to have the CPE device reset and connect to the orchestrator. If the connection is successful, the CPE device is displayed in the orchestrator web interface with the Unknown status.
Manually register the CPE device. When manually registering the CPE device, assign the created CPE template to it and select whether the CPE device must automatically turn on after registration. A registered device has the Registered status and is in the Enabled or Disabled state. For a description of CPE device tabs, see the Managing CPE devices section.
If, when manually registering the CPE device, you specified that it must not be enabled automatically, turn on the CPE device. An enabled CPE device has the Registered status and is in the Enabled state. This step is optional.