To display the table of segments, go to the Infrastructure menu section, click Management → Configuration menu next to the controller, and go to the Segments section. Information about segments is displayed in the following columns of the table:
From is the name and DPID of the CPE device of the segment source.
To is the name and DPID of the CPE device of the segment destination.
Paths/maximum is the number of paths created and the maximum number of paths supported by the segment.
# is the sequential number of the path. The lower the path number, the earlier the path was built.
Path type is the type of the path:
Auto SPF
Auto TE
Manual TE
Transport paths are names, DPIDs, and numbers of OpenFlow ports of CPE devices through which the path passes.
Administrative state is the administrative state of the path:
Operational state is the operational state of the path:
When creating or editing a Manual-TE path in a segment, you can view the table of hops added to the Manual-TE path. Information about hops is displayed in the following columns of the table:
# is the sequential number of the hop. The lower the number of the hop, the earlier the hop was added.
From is the name, DPID, and OpenFlow port number of the CPE device that is the hop source.
To is the name, DPID, and OpenFlow port number of the CPE device that is the hop destination.
Cost is the the cost of the hop.
The total cost of the Manual-TE path is displayed in the lower part of the table.