Additional configuration of CPE devices using scripts
You can use scripts for additional configuration of CPE devices. You can add scripts to a CPE template. Scripts added to the CPE template are automatically added to all CPE devices that use this CPE template. Added scripts can be run automatically or manually. Scripts are run automatically when the conditions specified in the script settings are satisfied, for example, when a CPE device is registered.
Running scripts is the responsibility of VNFM, so network connectivity between VNFM and CPE devices must be ensured before you begin working with scripts. By default, the port number for connecting the VNFM to the device and the user name for running scripts are specified in the CPE template. You can change the port number and user name if necessary.
The table of scripts is displayed in the CPE template and on the CPE device:
To display the table of scripts in a CPE template, go to the SD-WAN → CPE templates menu section, click the CPE template, and select the Scripts tab.
To display the table of scripts on a CPE device, go to the SD-WAN → CPE menu section, click the CPE device, and select the Scripts tab.
Information about scripts is displayed in the following columns of the table:
Name is the script name.
Executor is the interpreter.
Authentication is the type of VNFM authentication in the CPE device.
Custom executor is the path to the custom interpreter.
Timeout (sec.) is the time in seconds after which the VNFM stops attempting to run a script that could not run the first time.
Repeat execution indicates whether the script can be re-run:
Stage is the stage of the CPE device operation at which VNFM runs the script.
Script is name of the script file or the Ansible playbook file.
File is the name of the archive with additional files that the script requires to run.
Actions contains the actions that can be performed with the script.