The End User License Agreement is a binding agreement between you and AO Kaspersky Lab, stipulating the terms on which you may use the program. The text of the End User License Agreement in supported languages is located in the license <language code>.rtf files included in the Kaspersky SD-WAN distribution kit.
Read through the terms of the End User License Agreement carefully before you start using Kaspersky SD-WAN.
By confirming that you agree with the End User License Agreement, you signify your acceptance of the terms of the End User License Agreement. You can do this in one of the following ways:
environment variable before starting the Kaspersky SD-WAN Docker container:export KNAAS_EULA_AGREED=yes
In this case, when starting the Kaspersky SD-WAN Docker container, pass the KNAAS_EULA_AGREED environment variable using the -e
environment variable directly when starting the Kaspersky SD-WAN Docker container:docker run -e KNAAS_EULA_AGREED=yes [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
environment variable is not initialized or is initialized with the value no
), this means that you do not agree with the terms of the End User License Agreement. In this case, when starting the Kaspersky SD-WAN Docker container, an error message is displayed, and Kaspersky SD-WAN does not start.