The removal of Kaspersky SD-WAN cannot be rolled back.
To remove Kaspersky SD-WAN:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/generic -e "@<
path to configuration file
>" -e "@inventory/external/images.yml" -K knaas/knaas-teardown.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventory/generic -e "@<
path to configuration file
>" -e "@inventory/external/images.yml" -e "ansible_become_password=yourSudoPassword" knaas/knaas-teardown.yml
Kaspersky SD-WAN components are removed from the virtual machines or physical servers. A successful removal message is displayed in the console of the administrator device.
If a network connectivity issue occurs with one of the virtual machines or physical servers during the removal of solution components, an error message is displayed in the administrator device console, and the solution is not removed. In that case, you need to restore network connectivity and then run the removal command again.